Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What's your flavor?

on my way to work again, sitting on the Q train, i overhear a very interesting conversation between two women. The conversation, to no surprise is about men. the two women are discussing their "type" of men, and then continue to talk and analyze what it is about these "types" that they are attracted to, in an attempt to find a reason as to why past relationships have failed. so im sitting there and i ask myself, Do i have a "type" of girl? and my answer is "No."

a lot of women have "types". some go for the athlete who the general ball player who is well built, strong n favorite attire is a tee, ball shorts, socks n slipper. the pretty boy who is clean cut, fond of the mirror, and doesn't call them "checker board louis" but instead refers to them as low top Damier Canvas Louis sneakers. the "nice guy", who "actually listens", enjoys going shopping with you, and even lets you think you're right, when its clear that you are wrong. and the thug, the nigga who doesn't "work", is "on the block" all day, and whose definition of a hammer, is not a hand tool that has a handle with a perpendicular attached head of metal, that is used for striking or pounding, but a gun. the list of types go on, but you get the drift.

dudes have "types" too. you got the independent woman, she takes pride in her own work, can open her own door, and don't need you for SHIT. the diva, who has a million "haters", loves to be in the public eye, and goes nowhere without her Damier Azur canvas Speedy. the gansta girl, who will "ride or die", prefers acg's instead of heels, and will not hesitate to "cut-a-bitch." lets not forget the "good-girl," she rarely goes out, and believes that she should talk to a guy for 8 months before they have sex. etc...

we often start relationships with people who we believe are "our type," and then are left scratching our head when in the end it doesn't work out, as if we didn't see it coming. if you have dealt with a particular "type" of female/male and notice that time after time, the same thing happens, wouldn't it make sense to avoid that "type" since it obviously is not working for you? or would you rather stick with that "type" until it works, because eventually it will?


  1. wowerz.. i likey n its oh so tru

  2. Just floating through blog world.

    Here via Jane Dope.

    I will check in again later.

  3. so tru ..but as a female i dont really have a type of guy i think..but i do connect with the nice guys and may run into a few ballers who have nothing to really discuss......

    check me out

  4. I have a type...
    the TRUTHFUL type.
    Who is as rare as ummm, eggnog lattes!

  5. I pondered this sooo much.
    I think its the comfort of that type of guy or girl.

    Anything new is always why not stick to the easy?
    Nice blog.
